It’s baaaaack!

With new haunts, new stories and a know-no-boundaries costume contest, the 2011 Historical Haunted Tour promises guests an unforgettable experience in historic Truckee on Thursday, October 20 and Friday, October 21, 2011. We’re delighted to announce that Moody’s Bistro and Lounge returns as this year’s host sponsor and the tours, departing every 15 minutes will leave from Moody’s beginning at 5:45 p.m. Enjoy a glass of wine or nonalcoholic beverage to calm your jitters before you walk along this year’s spectacular route which will include the Tourist Club, Cabona’s, the International Order of Odd Fellows and Masonic Hall, Train Depot and Art Impressions at Truckee Mercantile. We’ll also award prizes for the best historic costumes each night of the tour so get funky, scary or elegant and come in costume! Tickets cost $30 per person at (adults only). The tour sold out in 2009 and 2010 so reserve your tickets today to guarantee a place for your sweetheart and friends.